A 3D-Party game where you compete with the whole family to reach the top of the hill to claim the crown.

My contributions

During this project, I was mainly in charge of UI, Art, and promotional material. I also assisted my teammates with some level design input and feedback.
As such the posters and trailer that you can see on this page were made by me.
While working on this I really wanted to capture the feeling of playing with toys as a small kid. But at the same time as intuitive as possible for all ages. Which felt like mixing up old and new toys would be the perfect fit for this project.

About the game

Leklådan is a multiplayer party game where you take control of small dolls to play trough different challenges to reach the top of the hill where one last minigame awaits. It's all up to who will claim the crown in the end
The game was made in 6 weeks by 6 people; 3 UX designers, 1 Project manager and 2 Programmers

Initial Brainstorming

We had a lot of brainstorming going into this project. Our team got the theme "Family Feud". The whole team upon hearing this thought about "Mario Party" and "Buzz". After that we all decided to sit individually and come up with our own ideas to present to the team, and after some suggestions we decided to mash all our ideas together to one big Party-Game

The process

After deciding what we wanted to go with I started doing a lot of sketches.
Ideas of what the board should look like, what the characters look like, and UI ideas.
After making the sketches I started to work on the gray boxing for the UI with my teammate.
From there it went by pretty smoothly, and after we finished the UI I started to work more on the promotional material. Like the poster and trailer.

What we had to cut

We had many small ideas for this game that we wanted to implement, but either due to time constraints or downscaling we sadly couldn't

  • Multiple mini games

We originally wanted to have more minigames than just catbucket. We had ideas for board games inspired by "Råttfällan" and "Don't Break the Ice". You can see these two board games in the main world that the game takes place in as background decoration.

  • Main board game

You can see a bit of the main board game in the trailer. But originally we wanted to have the board be playable with the player characters. Alongside it's own minigame once a player had reached the top.

  • Custom hats/accessories

To add some more diversity to our game we thought that it would be nice to have some hats with different abilities. We ended up with the players having onesies instead.


I had a lot of fun during this project, I do however wish that I could have done more.
But it was a very good experience to have and I learned a lot, especially with having a lot more guidelines and having a "higher up" making it simulate how it is in the industry.
Before this project, I had not worked as much with just the UI design, which I thought was very fun and a learning experience to do.

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